Stating that the foundation of a healthy life begins with a healthy pregnancy and a timely and healthy birth, Dr. Lecturer Member Beyza ÖZCAN said, “All births that occur before the thirty-seventh week are called premature birth. One in every 11 babies is born prematurely. In our country, approximately 50 thousand babies are born prematurely every year. The first cause of infant deaths is premature birth and the problems it brings. Considering the progress in technology and medicine today, all babies born until approximately 25 weeks of age have a chance to survive and survive.
Birth is the moment when mothers and fathers meet their babies at the end of a difficult process that they eagerly await. However, premature births that occur unexpectedly become very distressing and frightening for parents.
'November 17 World Prematurity Awareness Day' is celebrated every year in order to draw attention to the problems experienced by premature babies, to support premature babies and their families, and to raise awareness about prematurity in the society. Various events are organized to raise awareness of the color purple and efforts are being made to raise social awareness on this issue.
Happy 'November 17 World Prematurity Day' to our little heroes and their families who were a little hasty and were welcomed into the world early." said.