Medical Social Service Unit

   Medical social work, outpatient or inpatient treatment, effective use of medical treatment, protection and improvement of social health, regulation of the patient's family and environment during the treatment process, timely resolution of psycho-social and socioeconomic problems affecting the treatment process and regaining their social functionality. social work practice.

Purpose of Medical Social Work

   It is to facilitate the patient's acceptance of medical care and treatment and to use the care effectively, to reduce the stress experienced by the patient and his family due to health problems, to solve the problems that arise due to the patient's illness and conditions. The patient and his family; Family and community-oriented interventions of social workers are needed in order to ensure and maintain psycho-social re-adjustment to the disease, treatment and post-disease life.

In This Context, the Duties and Responsibilities of the Social Worker in the Medical Social Work Unit

  • Service from the hospital;

1. Lonely, abandoned and in need of care patients,

2. Disabled patients,

3. Health insecure patients,

4. Poor patients,

5. Patients who are victims of domestic violence,

 6. Neglected and abused child patients,

7. Refugee and asylum-seeking patients,

 8. Patients who are victims of human trafficking,

9. Elderly, widowed and orphan patients,

10. Chronic patients,

11. Patients with impaired mental health,

 12. Patients addicted to alcohol and drugs,

13. Patients who are foreign nationals and cannot benefit from treatment

14. Plans and implements social work intervention for patients in need of medical social service, primarily patients coming from outside the province.

  • Coordinates the transfer of patients who are so deprived that they cannot go to their residence even though their inpatient treatment is completed and who do not have anyone or who are not taken by their families.
  • Provides the necessary social work intervention to ensure the adaptation of patients who have difficulty in adapting to the disease and the treatment process.
  • It works with patients who have problems that negatively affect their treatment, to find the source of the problem and to solve it.
  • It provides support to patients who cannot adapt to the hospital and treatment, who have economic, social or psychological problems, and if necessary, ensures that these patients receive support from relevant persons and organizations.
  • When the relatives of the patient cannot be found, he establishes contact with the relatives of the patient.
  • It works for the placement of hospitalized patients to the relevant Social Service institutions.
  • It carries out solidarity and support activities among patients who have common problems in substance abuse, child abuse, guidance and counseling, family communication problems, economic problems, legal problems, old age and so on.
  • Provides family counseling in cases of spousal conflict, divorce, domestic violence and parent-child conflict.

Contact : 0332 310 50 00

Internal : 11686 / 11687