Patient Rights Regulation was published in the Official Gazette dated 01.08.1998 and numbered 23420 and entered into force. In accordance with the Patient Rights Regulation that entered into force, the Konya City Hospital Patient Rights Unit was established on 05.08.2020 to ensure the necessary practices.
Within the framework of the regulation; To show concretely the “patient rights”, which are the reflection of fundamental human rights in the field of health services and accepted in the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey, other legislation and international legal texts, and in all institutions and organizations where health care is provided and in cases where health services are provided outside of health institutions and organizations. It is aimed to regulate the procedures and principles that enable everyone to benefit from "patient rights" in a manner befitting human dignity, to be protected from violations of rights, and to use legal means of protection when necessary. In line with these procedures and principles, the rights of patients are as follows:
1 - Right to Benefit from Services in Compliance with Justice and Equity: The patient has the right to benefit from health services in accordance with their needs, including activities aimed at promoting a healthy life within the framework of the principles of justice and equity, and preventive health services.
2 - The Right to Choose and Change the Health Institution: The patient; Provided that the procedures and conditions stipulated by the legislation to which it is subject are complied with, he has the right to choose the health institution and institution and to benefit from the health service provided in the health institution he chooses. The patient can change the health institution, provided that it is in accordance with the referral system determined by the legislation.
3 - The Right to Recognize, Select and Change Personnel: Upon request, the patient is informed about the identities, duties and titles of the doctors and other personnel who will provide or provide health services to the patient. Provided that the procedures determined by the legislation are complied with, the patient has the right to freely choose the personnel who will provide health services to him, and to change the doctor who deals with his treatment.
4 - Right to Request the Determination of Priority Order: In cases where the health service demand cannot be met in a timely manner due to insufficient or limited service opportunities of the health institution, the patient has the right to request that the priority right be determined objectively and based on medical criteria. Provisions of the relevant legislation are applied in determining the priority order foremergency and judicial cases, the elderly and the disabled (Amended phrase: OG-16/1/2019-30657) .
5 - Right to Diagnosis, Treatment and Care in accordance with Medical Requirements: The patient has the right to demand diagnosis, treatment and care in accordance with the requirements of modern medical knowledge and technology.
6 - Prohibition of Intervention Except for Medical Necessities: Without the purpose of diagnosis, treatment or prevention, nothing can be done or requested that may cause death or life-threatening or violate bodily integrity or reduce mental or physical strength.
7 - Prohibition of Euthanasia: Euthanasia is prohibited. The right to life cannot be waived for medical reasons or by any means whatsoever. No one's life can be ended, even if he or someone else demands it.
8 - Right to Request Medical Care: Personnel show the medical care required by the patient's condition. Even if it is not possible to save the patient's life or preserve his health, it is imperative to try to reduce or relieve his suffering.
9 - Right to Request Information: The patient has the right to learn about health services and opportunities and to request all kinds of information about his/her health status. Whether the patient or his relatives are informed about the patient's health status is at the discretion of the physician within the framework of the specified conditions.
10 - Right to Request Information to be Kept Confidential: Information obtained due to the provision of health services cannot be disclosed in any way, except as permitted by law.
11 - The Right to Examine the Records and Request the Correction of Records: The patient can examine the file and records containing information about his/her health status, directly or through his/her representative or legal representative, and obtain a copy. Patient; may request the completion, disclosure, correction of incomplete, ambiguous and erroneous medical and personal information in their records with health institutions and organizations and making them suitable for their final health and personal situation.
12 - Respecting Privacy: It is essential to respect the privacy of the patient. The patient can also openly demand that his privacy be protected. All kinds of medical interventions are performed by respecting the privacy of the patient.
13 - The Right Not to Be Subjected to Medical Surgery Without Consent: Except for the exceptions set out in the law, no one can be subjected to medical surgery without his consent and in a way that is not in accordance with his consent. In cases where delay is inconvenient, the operation can be performed upon the request of the public prosecutor.
14 - Consent and Permission of the Patient: The consent of the patient is required for medical interventions. If the patient is small or confined, permission is obtained from his/her parents or guardians. This condition is not sought in cases where the patient does not have a parent or guardian or is not present or the patient does not have the power to express himself.
15 - The Right to Refuse and Stop the Treatment: Except for the cases required by law, the responsibility of the negative consequences that may arise belongs to the patient; The patient has the right to refuse the treatment planned or being applied to him or to ask for it to be stopped. In this case, the consequences of not applying the treatment should be explained to the patient or his legal representatives or relatives and a written document showing this should be obtained.
Everyone has the right to expect and demand to be safe in health institutions and organizations.
17 - The Right to Fulfill Religious Obligations and Benefit from Religious Services: Necessary measures are taken to enable patients to freely fulfill their religious duties within the possibilities of health institutions and organizations.
18 - The Right to Respect Human Values and Accept Visitors: All personnel involved in health services; patients, their relatives and visitors must be friendly, courteous, compassionate and in accordance with the legislation on health services and the provisions of this Regulation.
19 - Having a Companion: To assist the patient during the examination and treatment; It may be requested to have a companion, subject to the approval of the physician in charge of the treatment, to the extent required by the legislation and institutional facilities and the health status of the patient.
20 - Right of Application, Complaint and Lawsuit: The patient and those related to the patient have the right to apply, complain and sue within the framework of the legislation in case of violation of patient rights. Provisions of special legislation regarding the custody of detainees and provisions in health institutions and organizations are reserved.
There are some responsibilities that the patient must fulfill before applying to the health institution or in the process after applying.
( Article 42/A – (Annex: OG-8/5/2014-28994)
Patient responsibilities are as follows; Rules to be followed by the patient:
1.General Responsibilities
- Our patients are responsible for taking care of their own health and following the advice given about their health.
- In simple cases, he is responsible for his own personal care.
2.Social Security Status
- Our patients are responsible for notifying changes in their health, social security and personal information in a timely manner.
3. Informing Healthcare Professionals
- Our patients are responsible for reporting their complaints, diseases, whether they have received any treatment, drugs used, if any, and all health-related information in a complete and complete manner.
- Our patients are responsible for complying with the rules and practices of your healthcare institution.
- Our patients are responsible for complying with the referral chain determined by the Ministry of Health and relevant social security institutions.
- Our patients are responsible for cooperating with healthcare professionals during the treatment and care process.
- Our patients are responsible for respecting the rights of hospital staff, other patients and visitors.
- Our patients are responsible for complying with the date and time of the given appointment and notifying the relevant place of changes.
4. Compliance with Hospital Rules
- Our patients are responsible for complying with the rules and practices of your healthcare institution.
- Our patients are responsible for complying with the referral chain determined by the Ministry of Health and relevant social security institutions.
- Our patients are responsible for cooperating with healthcare professionals during the treatment and care process.
- Our patients are responsible for respecting the rights of hospital staff, other patients and visitors.
- Our patients are responsible for complying with the date and time of the given appointment and notifying the relevant place of changes.
5. Complying with the recommendations regarding the treatment
- Our patients are responsible for listening to the recommendations regarding treatment and medications, following the recommendations regarding the treatment given, and reporting the situation to the healthcare professional in case of failure to comply with the treatment.
- Our patients are responsible for the consequences of refusing the treatment to be applied or not complying with the recommendations.