Medication Management Team
26 Mayıs 2023

Specialist Dr.Himmet NAKDeputy Chief Physician
Züleyha SÖNMEZHealth Care Services Manager
Dr.Arzu TARAKÇIInfectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology Specialist
Specialist Dr.Ayşegül OPUŞMicrobiology Specialist
Specialist Dr.Gürcan ŞİMŞEKGeneral surgery specialist
Specialist Dr.M.Akif YAZARAnesthesiology and Reanimation Specialist
Ayşe KARADAĞQuality Unit
Ethem Tuğşat ÖZPharmacist
Onur VURALPharmacist
Mahmut SÜTOperating Room Responsible Technician
Büşra Lütfiye TEZCANPharmacist (Secretariat)
Müşerref KIŞLA ORALEKK Nurse